Hi I'm Jason!
Welcome To
My Dev Portfolio

I utilize a wide variety of best practices in order to provide a wide array of sustainable solutions for cross browser consistency, scalability and reliability. This site has just a few of my projects that show a taste of the different technologies I have used to build, publish and deploy.

* I also have 15+ years in the workforce, in an industry that is soley based on the satisfaction of the customer!

Contact Me

Creative Coding Projects


This is a FullStack tech store, utilizing serverless functions, vercel to host and deploy and MongoDB Atlas as my data storage unit, with Realm sync for mobile data synchronization

  • Next.js
  • Realm
  • Tailwind

D&D Character Lookup

Created a MongoDB Atlas cluster, inserted my own Character's data, and then displayed said data in a React UI using the Next.js framework. Autocomplete and smart search capabilities included. Maps coming soon

  • Next.js
  • Realm
  • MongoDB Atlas

Time Warp

This is a scrolling animation, utilizing inline SVG and GSAP3 I imported the SVGs from Adobe Illustrator. Then, using a CDN, put the power of GSAP3 timelines & ScrollTrigger() to work animating this gorgeous SVG my brother let me have

  • GSAP3
  • SVG
  • Bootstrap

Frontend? It's Backend, Can you hear me?

This is my Discord server Community I am building while attending MongoDB University

  • Community
  • Fellowship
  • Growth

Timelines in GSAP3

This is a reminder for all of us out there that this world of ever increasing demand for competent engineers with passion for creating great apps with sound infrastructure and architecture can be very fun too! HOCUS RE-FOCUS!.

  • JS
  • SVG
  • GSAP3

React/Next.js Bootcamp Website

Utilizing Bootstrap, I built a React/ Next mock bootcamp.

  • Bootstrap
  • ScrollTrigger
  • Node

Best Of Orlando

This is an example of the creative animating powers you get when you learn about the wonderful inline SVG world. I took an already beautiful (Thanks to Brian Nutt) illustration from illustrator, exported as an svg and animated it beautifully with GSAP3. SVGs are impressive and I can't wait to add to my portfolio. .

  • JS
  • SVG
  • GSAP3

My Resume

This is a link to my Resume

  • MongoDB
  • React
  • Node


I have worked and collaborated on projects using a variety of great technologies in the world of web development, from Front-end to Back-end all the way to Design

  • Front-End

    Experience with
    HTML5 CSS3 and javascript
    React.js and Next.js

  • Back-End

    Experience with
    Node.js MongoDB
    and Serverless functions

  • UI/UX

    Experience with
    Tools such as Figma, Adobe Illustrator and Affinity Design.

About Me

I got into web development the same way I got into the Marine Corps, I made a decision that nothing would stop me and headed in a well thought out direction. Beginning with Treehouse FEWD Tech Degree and continuing in my studies with them and many other valuable learning platforms. I do my best to create/learn/teach something new everyday. Now almost 2 years in & I am finally starting to feel like a real developer that can build and contribute. Pick a Tech stack and/or mentor/course and start making things with it!

Personal Acomplishments


contributions in the last year


Total Treehouse Points


Commits in 7 Github Repositories in June


Amount of years of life experiences I have on most beginning devs

Iterating through one simple solution for one complex problem at a time!